
Amicus Curiae/Legal Aid Counsel Interaction Program

Amicus Curiae/Legal Aid Counsel Interaction Program

An orientation programme has been initiated as a joint collaboration between Studio Nilima, the Bar Council of India, the Assam State Legal Services Authority and the Gauhati High Court Legal Services Committee. It aims to build capacity of the Panel of Amicus Curiae of the Guwahati High Court and the Legal Aid Counsels of the various districts of Assam through rigorous monthly workshops, training with legal experts of the country and interactions with former Judges.

Research Projects

Research Projects

The studies undertaken at Studio Nilima encompasses a wide range of interdisciplinary legal and policy studies pertaining to political and developmental concerns of Northeast India. The research projects attempt to analyse and research the particular conditions of the Northeast engaging all the stakeholders of the region enhancing the knowledge base; informing and advising policy makers and public at large, encouraging public discourse, and providing evidence to legitimize decision making. Our ongoing studies include a study on Constitutional Safeguards for Assam and Land reforms.